Yes, I Know I Suck, How 'Bout You Tell Me Something I Don't Know
I'm actually going to follow the rules for once in my life (it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm killing time before going to the gym at noon). The rules state that I must list 10 things that make me happy and than pass the award onto 10 bloggers. I can do that!
So 10 things.
My bed - which I crawled into at 7:30 last night to read for a bit and then proceeded to promptly fall asleep. I crawled out of said bed at 7:30 this morning. Can you say lazy arse? C'mon say it with me. My bed holds a special place in my heart because it took me two years to pay for it. Yes, it was that expensive, and worth every damn penny. If you don't have a really good bed, you are cheating yourself out of one of life's greatest luxuries. I literally smile every night when I pull my duvet up and snuggle in.
Gardening - One of the things that caught my eye when I looked at the house I bought two years ago was the property it was sitting on. Almost an entire acre of land with nothing but the house sitting on it. It was like a blank slate and I was an artist extraordinaire waiting to create my masterpiece. The first summer I was here I dug and planted 3 flower beds and a vegetable hand. None of this fancy sod turning machinery for Dual Mom. I then proceeded to spend the rest of the summer nursing a torn ligament in my shoulder. This past summer I expanded the vegetable garden and planted and dug two more flower beds. Next summer I'm moving onto the start of my apple orchard, which I have planned for the backyard. Of course the money I spend on flowers and plants would be better spent on a ride on lawn mower, but whoever said I was sane was sorely mistaken. An acre of land is a bitch to cut with a pushmower but one helluva workout let me tell you.
My kids, obviously. Because they say wild shit that is highly entertaining to me. The other evening I had asked Jimmy to get my laptop for me because my nails were wet. He did it and than Nora asked him to get something for her because her nails were wet (like mother like daughter). He turned to her and said, "I don't have to do that for you because I didn't come out of your vagina". What's a mother to do but shake her head and chuckle to herself?
Wine - really do I need to explain this one?
Sleepovers with girlfriends - Besides a brother I have no family living in the same province as I do. My girlfriends are my family. Our sleepovers are epic fun.
Working out - I had no idea how much I missed this until I started again. There is something indescribeably pleasing about pushing your body to the max and having it deliver.
Coffee - If coffee ever ceased to exist I would die. Seriously, I would just die or hang myself. I love coffee THAT much.
My patio - and not so much my patio as the summer evenings on my patio with friends, music, kids, food on the bbq, and cold drinks.
Shoes - another addiction. I'm seriously considering turning my daughter's bedroom into my shoe closet.
Bloggers that post shit on their blogs that makes me laugh hysterically. Bloggers that leave comments on my posts that make me spew my morning coffee onto my laptop. Bloggers that write serious shit that makes me think about something from another point of view.
So I'm passing this along to some new-to-me blogs that I've been following recently. You should check them out because they are full of the awesome.
Quixocticlife - she wrote a great post this week about advice for husbands that made me laugh. It also reminded me of why I refuse to cohabitate with a male EVER again.
Terry at Oh4Petesake - she offered to share her daughter's ADD meds with me so that I can have a leg up in beating Zgirl in our challenge. Apparently one of the side affects of ADD meds is loss of appetite. Makes her a queenshit in my book!
Nathaneal at This is How It Feels - he's probably one of my youngest readers but I think he has an old soul. Nathaneal has a big heart and tends to take the weight of the world on his shoulders. He also has No Reply turned on and I can't respond to the comments he leaves me (fix that shit boy!!!!).
Kat at 2010 Year of Miracles - who has started a blog to journal her self-improvement efforts. She's also one of the LIB ladies so stop by and give her some love.
Laura at Heels and Hemlines - she has 3 kids and 4 stepkids. I get tired just thinking about it. She also started a blog about her LIB adventure so stop by and give her some encouragement.
MaeRae at In and Out of the Bubble - one of her posts talks about her son having to remove her 8 1/2 size boot from his rectum. Need I say more?
Libby at Libby Logic - because anyone with a daughter that cute so deserves an award. I kid you not, her daughter is BEAUtiful.
Feisty at Spaghetti And Bagels - because she had her signature spelled Fesity for a really long time and did not realize it. And then she called her readers wankers because we didn't tell her. Not our fault YOU are retarded there....Fesity! lol
CrazyAssMomma at Skinny Bitch or Bust - because she calls herself a crazy ass mamma and a self-proclaimed bitch.
Alex at Whoa Mumma - she's giving away a set of awesome red champagne glasses this week to an LIB follower. kitchen is red Alex. Did I mention that?
So you know the rules, post the award, give us 10 things you love and pass er' on to 10 bloggers.
My daughter is making me breakfast. How the hell did I get so lucky? Then it's gym time. Have a great weekend everyone!
- Mass Hole Mommy said...
January 16, 2010 at 12:36 PM
Oh, how I love nights when I can crawl into bed that early.......
- Anonymous said...
January 16, 2010 at 1:05 PM
and what is this no reply nonsense?! I dont know what i did or how to fix it!!! email me
- SurferWife said...
January 16, 2010 at 1:38 PM
Thanks for all of the good reading material. I only currently follow one of these.
And you lucky duck with the breakfast. Maybe I should ask my daughter to make me some breaky. She's four. She will breaky my kitchen before I was served food, i'm guessing. -
- Tracie said...
January 16, 2010 at 2:34 PM
I do know the joys of a good bed. I wish I spent more time in it.
Congrats to you and to the bloggers you passed it on to! -
- Anonymous said...
January 16, 2010 at 3:52 PM
A good bed is far better while wearing sexy shoes and swigging from a bottle of wine!
I loved reading the 10 things that make you happy :) -
- Anonymous said...
January 16, 2010 at 3:52 PM
A good bed is far better while wearing sexy shoes and swigging from a bottle of wine!
I loved reading the 10 things that make you happy :) -
- Loni's World said...
January 16, 2010 at 6:29 PM
I agree a good bed = highly worth it!
I am with you on the working out, I know how much I enjoy it but... for me I just can't get motivated yet lol
Have a great weekend! :) -
- G said...
January 16, 2010 at 7:07 PM
i really really love the vagina comment. My kids better say funny things.
- Laura said...
January 16, 2010 at 7:31 PM
Seriously thanks so much, seeing I was on the list brought a smile to my day! I do hereby promise to pay it forward hopefully in a fairly "timely" manner! lolol
Can't wait to have a few moments to go check out all the others you have listed here.
Until then I'm watching some football, knitting & drinking Baileys tonight. If I just had a roaring fire I might be in heaven ;-) -
- Unknown said...
January 16, 2010 at 7:47 PM
Thanks pretty lady! Just finished mowing the lawn myself, sweating buckets but loads of fun.
- tattytiara said...
January 17, 2010 at 1:27 AM
I think my bed would be at the top of my list too. It's twenty years old, second hand (well, inherited), and still one of my favourite places in the whole world to be.
- Liz Mays said...
January 17, 2010 at 9:53 AM
Congratulations to you on your award! And good going for starting out your Sunday with the gym and a breakfast made by your daughter! Awesome!
- Aunt Juicebox said...
January 17, 2010 at 10:08 PM
Oh yeah, I love my bed. If the house caught fire, I'd try to haul that huge ass thing out with me, no lie. It was very expensive, but we've had it 5 years now, and it's still perfect.
- gayle said...
January 17, 2010 at 11:36 PM
Love my bed...need to spend more time in it
I am so impressed with all the yard work you know how to do
Love my coffee
Congrats to all!! -
- Kimberly said...
January 18, 2010 at 5:06 AM
Working out is great. It is the time before it. Getting motivated to actually do it.
I am a new follower -
- So Single said...
January 18, 2010 at 10:53 PM
I also suck at acknowledging awards. Maybe thats why I don't get any anymore...something to think about.
So about your whole "reply" issue. I really didn't think Blogger allowed replies at all. I've used both Wordpress and Blogger and I thought you could only do it on wordpress.
But I wonder if the reason you can't reply to me or Nathaniel is because we don't use Blogger? I don't know. I've tried leaving comments both as Name/URL and as Open ID w/ Wordpress.
Congrats on the awards! I will be checking out some of these bloggers once I get through the 48 unread blogs on my Reader. -
- Anonymous said...
January 19, 2010 at 2:41 AM
ok. so. I fixed it! haha THANKS so so much! I will give you a shoutout in my next blog!
Hooray! An award for me! I am excited to ramble about 10 things I love. And yes you are a wanker, and yes I am a retard. Glad we can come to terms with reality.
Thanks for the fancy pantsy award! Now I shall procrastiate my laundry and post!
Feisty, not Fesity.