The Olympics. I have not watched any of it, very unpartriotic of me, I know. I suck. However, I do catch the updates on the news in the morning. On Wednesday, our women's hockey team beat Sweden 13-1. There was a huge hoopla in the news that the team should have held back on their scoring. WTF? Please, go put your big boy panties and talk to me when you grow a pair. Oh yeah and quit your goddamn whining. Do you see skiers slowing down at the finish line when they're minutes ahead of other competitors? Fuck off wankers.
My ipod is busted. This causes me great stress. I have the white screen of death and after multiple google searches have learned that I should be able to reset this. Yeah fuckyouverymuch Apple. I have 8 different ipods in my house, ranging from 1st generation nanos to the touch, plus an imac. You know what, I'm getting pretty fed up with the total FUCKTARDS at Apple support. Don't tell me that I'm having a problem with my nano that you have never heard of before when a google search brings up 11,375 different fucking hits about people having the same problem. Do ya think you might be having an issue fuckers? Do I look like I just fell off the turnip truck?
This has been a three day work week. Monday was a civic holiday and Wednesday we got blasted with snow so we were shut down for the day. I would love to have the financial ability to work part time... I make an excellent lady of leisure.
I lost 1.5 pounds last week. Yeah me! That's a total loss of 6.5, not great but I'll take it.
I need a blog makeover. My blog is aesthetically boring.
I love my kids. Not news you say? I know. But when they were small, it was so much damn work. Feeding and grooming and disciplining and lugging and bathing. It was work I tell you. Now that they're older, all of the "work" stuff they do on their own. Hell I even have the two teens doing their own laundry. Now that the work stuff is for the most part over, I have fun with them. Let me tell you something, as a young mother with small children, I hated the park. I hated outings to the zoo. I fucking despised doing all those cutesy things meant to entertain small children. Dinosaur themed birthday parties made me want to drown myself. I did them, and I pretended to enjoy doing them, all the while wishing someone would just gouge my eyes out and call it a day. Now? Now we hang out, Nora and I absolutely love being together. The boys both have a really sarcastic sense of humour which I totally get. We talk about stuff going on in the world and they have opinions and ideas. They're mini adults, what's even better...they're mini adults that I like. It's very odd as a mother to realize that you like your kids. We all know there are sometimes worlds between loving someone and liking them. I like my kids. Huh...who would have thunk it was possible?
Happy Friday blogger luves. Anything exciting planned for the weekend?
The RDJ thing can happen.
I have been addicted to the Olympics. I really think it is turning into a serious problem. And since I have been so addicted, I have not gotten off of the couch to go to the gym and I have gained weight. Really, I am blaming the Olympics for my weight gain. That's not f-ed up, is it?